(514) 819-3126 / Open 7 days
Iridology is a recognized and practiced science in Europe. In some countries, only doctors can be iridologists. Iridology is the study of the colored part of the eye. Each organ in our body has a specific area in the iris, we can see if there is an imbalance in the organ, if it is genetic or acquired in our life.
Signs in the iris such as colors, pigmentations, shapes and depth of signs, furrows, rings and lesions in relation to the reflex organ are analyzed.
We can also see if a system is in an acute, sub-acute, chronic or degenerative state.
The sclera and the pupil contain a lot of information on the general health status, they are assessed as well.
I use the advanced integrated iridology chart
Patricia M., C.Ir, N.D.
Certified Iridologist